Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yes, It's That Bad......... And Yet... So Good!

Hi, my name is Ella....and I've got it bad. Yesterday, I got a call from my boss... (I'm on summer vacation.) He called to tell me that I have to move out of my classroom and into (in my opinion) a crappy classroom across campus. How is this Twilight related you ask? Well, when I found out that I was moving into a room without cabinets, one of my first thoughts was; ‘But where am I going to hide the seven posters from “The Sexy Stars of Twilight” that I was planning to laminate and plaster the inside of my cabinets with!?!?’ I am seriously messed up!

You have to understand, that despite the fact that I now have a blog that is dedicated to my complete obsession with all things Twilight, I try to maintain the illusion that I am the semi-normal and reserved person that I was the first 39 years of my life......Translation: I hide my obsession from those who are not similarly afflicted.

For example, my work and home computer desktop backgrounds seem normal enough if you do not have OCD.

To the casual observer, this appears to be a nondescript photo of a coastline.....But as you are all probably aware, (if you are not aware, please watch the trailer. I've conveniently posted it for you in my Featured Videos), this is the shot of first beach from the opening scene of the NEW MOON trailer!

You must know that like many of you, (you know who you are), I gage how much of my obsession I allow to be seen. I don't just look for the tale-tale signs, i.e someone carrying or reading one of the beloved books. No, that's a rookie move! I know it sounds bizarre, but I've actually met a couple of people who have read Twilight and claim they did not like it *gasp*?!?! (I know, I'm just as offended as you are! And yes, I avoid THEM at all cost.) I look for other signs of complete OCD before I show myself for the nut I am!

When trying to locate "others" I check the following list I'm calling the Dirty Dozen:
  1. Do they look like they haven't slept?
  2. Do they have a map of Washington State on hand?
  3. Do they know that Forks is the name of a town and not only a utensil?
  4. If you casually call out "Rob" or "Edward" do they automatically turn their head?
  5. Do they already have plans on November 20, 2009?
  6. Have they been spotted looking for Quileute ledgend books in dusty bookstores?
  7. Do they wear a Pea Coat even in the summer?
  8. Do they take photos of marquee signs for shows like Dracula?
  9. Do they slow/stumble/stammer when passing any Twilight display in a store?
  10. Do they have a Twilight related ringtone?
  11. Do they have their own Twilight blog?
  12. Have you seen them break out with a Pocket Edward?
Depending on how many yes answers I get by using this list helps me know how much of my own OCD that I can then comfortably reveal about myself! It is a sliding scale after all!

If those around me fail my list, I must then resort to creating my own group of Twilighters that I can then share my addiction with. My friend/enabler and I are together responsible for creating legions of fellow Twi-Addicts. (And unlike Victoria, we take care of our "newborns")

But, I must confess...... I sometimes suffer from Carlisle-esque guilt in that in my initial Twilight loneliness, I sought to convert others so that I could have company….. I have to ask myself, did I ruin their lives?.......... View the following picture........ Did I ruin lives?

Oh, So GOOD!!!....... How could life be better without this?!?!?!?!?
If this is ruined...... I want to be rotten too!!!!!

Did I ruin lives......................... No, I think NOT! ☺

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Very First Blog

Hi, my name is Ella.... and I’m an addict. I took my fist “hit” in January 2009 when I went with my friend/enabler to see Twilight at the theater. In my defense, I had never heard of the movie, the books, the storyline, or the actors prior to agreeing to go with said friend/enabler. (Her family would not go with her and I could not let her go alone. After all, what kind of friend would I be?)

Ok, now that I have made excuses for my addiction I must get to the confession.....
  • Read all four published books, Midnight Sun, and every outtake and extra I could get my hands on in less than two weeks....very little sleep because I was also teaching during the day.
  • Researched and purchased copious amounts of music from itunes and shared such playlists with my fellow twilighters.....Ok, I’m guilty of enabling too.
  • Own the following: The complete hardcover 4 book boxed set, additionally 1 hardcover and 3 paperback Twilight, 1 paperback New Moon, 1 hardcover Eclipse, and 1 hardcover Breaking Dawn
  • Recently purchased The Sexy Stars of Twilight, the 72 page pictorial magazine with 7 pull our posters, 6 of which feature Robert Pattinson.
If you don't have this, you MUST get it!!!
  • The day the DVD came out, I purchased The Ultimate Collector’s Set. This does not sound so bad, but I have to explain... These are limited edition numbered sets that cost $60.00 (Way too much, but did I mention they were numbered and I found......ok, dug through the entire stack at Costco and found one that was numbered 112 out of 10,000!!) I was going to put it back....I mean, what did I need with a numbered jewelry box containing the movie, the soundtrack, a bracelet and a watch?.....(But, but, but it was number 112????) At this point my family, yes my family witnessed all of the digging, starts to make fun of the struggle I am having between parting with $60.00 or THE BOX. My inner teenager won mainly because the teasing would not stop so I blamed them for “talking me into the purchase” (Ok, it was just to spite them). Oh, and in addition to spending $60.00 on the set, I then purchased the three disk set from Target the same day when I decided that I would return the set from Costco “Because I’m much more mature and practical to spend that much on something so trivial.” Needless to say the Costco set is still in my possession and I have not opened said box because “It might be worth something someday.”
  • I search the internet daily for Twilight related “news.” When I say related, I’m of course searching anything Rob Pattinson related as well.

.....Aaaand *Thud* I.AM.DIED
  • I am currently reading Eclipse for the 5th time....I’ve read each of the other books 5 times already and Midnight Sun 4 times.
  • I have an entire USB thumb drive devoted to my CPR/OCD “research.”
  • I don’t want to go back to who I was BT (Before Twilight).
OK, now that I've outed myself as an addict, it's your turn.....What do you have to confess?